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Cello Bow for sale - Arcus Bow Cadenza (gold)

Musical instruments category
Instrument listing typeFor Sale
Musical instrument number30623
Instrument listed on28 Feb 2005
Sold/Removed01 Jan 2006
Instrument price (Euro)�3000
Converted instrument price (US$)$3659 (approx)

Cello Bow Location: StockholmSvealandSweden

Musical Instrument Description: Cello Bow for sale - Arcus Bow Cadenza (gold)

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Finest Arcus Cadenza (gold) cellobow for sale.

Frog of snakewood, gold 14k, octagonal sticks.

A unique beauty and power of sound puts this bow apart from any other. Only a small percentage of our sticks happen to poses so special resonance qualities that we make it a Cadenza. Most beautiful flamed snake-wood is used for the frogs and buttons. Completely mounted in 14K gold, including the tip plate and the winding.


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