Cello - Cello Karl Herrmann, Bubenreuth

Cello listing typeFor Sale
Instrument number31295
Cello listedbefore 2014
Price (Swedish Kronor)29000 kr
Converted price (US$)$3796 (approx)

Description: Cello - Cello Karl Herrmann, Bubenreuth

There are no pictures available for this cello

Denna cello �r byggd 1991 av Karl Herrmann, Bubenreuth. Som Du ser av bilderna �r det ett vackert instrument. Den har ocks� en vacker ton. Du som �r intresserad av att k�pa denna cello f�r ha den p� prov minst en vecka innan Du best�mmer Dig.
MVH DIN FIOL AB Mattias Sandlund
Tel. 0911-209471 Mobil 070-300 00 10.

Pictures: Cello - Cello Karl Herrmann, Bubenreuth

Picture of Cello - Cello Karl Herrmann, BubenreuthPicture of Cello - Cello Karl Herrmann, Bubenreuth


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